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For Chapter Advisors

We are continuously working on improving our processes.

Please note processing will take from 4 to 6 weeks. 

Submitting New Student Membership Form

Faculty Chapter Advisor’s Certification of New Membership Form with all the proposed chapter members’ information. This form must be signed by the proposed Faculty Chapter Advisor, who must verify all members’ eligibility and attest to the fact that each named member has met the minimum standards for membership in Tau Upsilon Alpha. The completed and signed Faculty Chapter Advisor's Certification of New Membership form must be uploaded in the online payment form in order to be processed. The TUA office is no longer taking these forms via email.

1. Faculty Chapter Advisor's Certification of New Membership Forms - both files must be completely filled out per instructions.

2. TUA Faculty Chapter Advisor's Certification Online Form  (Click to submit online form)

3. Once received via the TUA office, an invoice will be emailed for payment.

Chapter Officers

This section is intended as a guide for chapter advisors and officers. Chapters may choose to combine duties or elect additional officers to perform the duties.


1. Meets with the leadership team to create a plan for chapter activities and functions for the coming year.
2. Plans, publicizes, and conducts chapter meetings using parliamentary procedures.
3. Regularly communicates with and assists the chapter Faculty Chapter Advisor.
4. Appoints committees, assigns tasks, and receives reports of committee progress.
5. Votes in a tie.
6. Plans and participates in induction ceremonies.
7. Represents the chapter at college meetings (e.g. Student Government).


1.  shall assist the president in chapter management,
2.  preside over chapter meetings in the absence of the president,
3.  be in charge of membership and applications,
4.  collects annual chapter membership dues, and
5.  shall perform other duties as assigned by the president.


1. Records and reads minutes at meetings.
2. Completes chapter correspondence.
3. Takes roll or provides sign-in sheet at all meetings.
4. Maintains roster of email addresses of all members.
5. Sends announcements to members as needed via email.
6. Provides information and media for chapter website.
7. Maintains a notebook with all chapter activities, to include meeting agendas and minutes, committees, reports, sign-in sheets, etc.
8. Completes the semi-annual Activity Report once the leadership team have planned the year and submits the report to the Faculty Chapter Advisor to be reviewed, signed, emailed and mailed to TUA National.
9. Completes the Annual Membership Report submits the report to the Faculty Chapter Advisor to be reviewed, signed, emailed and mailed to TUA National.


1. Monitors the financial activities of the chapter.
2. Develops an annual budget with the help of the President and Faculty Chapter Advisor.
3. Presents a financial report to the membership at each membership meeting.
4. Completes the semi-annual financial reports for TUA National and submits these to the Faculty Chapter Advisor to check, sign, email and mail.

Faculty Chapter Advisor

1. Provides guidance to the chapter leadership.
2. Identifies potential new members and evaluates/verifies all student applications for eligibility.
3. Acts as the one point of contact between TUA National and the chapter.
4. Submits all required applications and reports to the National Office once checked for completeness and accuracy.

Council Representative

1. Gathers information/concerns from the chapter membership and represents the interest of the chapter at the National Annual Council meeting. This meeting is held during the annual NOHS Conference.
2. Is responsible for sharing the chapter’s views and voting on behalf of the chapter at the Annual Council Meeting and reporting back to the chapter membership.

Other Officer Positions and Duties

The following officer duty descriptions are only ideas for duties these positions may have. These may be changed to reflect the needs of the chapter:


1.  shall be responsible for maintaining all relevant information on the history, activities, and accomplishments of the chapter.
2.  Arranges to have photographs or video taken of chapter activities or functions
3.  Organizes the creation of a chapter scrapbook and/or multimedia presentation of the chapter activities.


1.  shall be responsible for the creation and maintenance of the chapter’s website
2.  for soliciting appropriate information for the website from the chapter leadership team, and from chapter members.


Inductions may take place only once membership applications have been approved by TUA National. Approval, printing certificates, and shipping can take up to 6 weeks to process. Rush orders are done for a fee to the chapter and must have prior approval from the TUA office. Inductions can take place at the NOHS Annual Conference held each Fall, at Regional Conferences held each Spring, or locally at the Chapter's institution at any convenient time.

Inductions Held at National or Regional Conferences

Any chapters wanting new members to participate in the induction ceremonies held at a National or Regional Conference must submit a list of the members to be inducted on the Induction Form to the National Office. To submit an Induction Form, please email the TUA National Office.

The National Office must receive the Induction Form at least 6 weeks before the start of the conference.

Local Inductions Held at a Chapter's Institutions

A chapter's first induction ceremony should be conducted by an approved faculty advisor who has been inducted by a TUA National Officer or designee. This is to facilitate future induction ceremonies at a chapter's institution. If a new chapter is unable to have any of their founding members attend a National or Regional induction ceremony, the Faculty Chapter Advisor may make a request to TUA National Office to establish if a TUA National Officer or designee may be able to attend and conduct the local induction ceremony.

Chapters may hold induction ceremonies at their institute of higher education at any time convenient to the institution. Although National and Regional induction ceremonies are formal events, an induction need not be a formal event. Chapters may hold inductions as part of regular business meetings or as a separate event. Chapter officers, with the help of the chapter members, will determine when an induction is held and what the exact program consists of.

Please note - once the National Board has accepted a member's application and dues, the member is a member in good standing and can vote and participate in all TUA functions. For example, if a member's application was submitted and approved in November, the member may vote and participate in all TUA functions even if the induction ceremony does not take place until the following February.

TUA Sample Ceremony

Chapter Meetings

The following are tips and samples for preparing, conducting and reporting on meetings:

  • Prepare a written agenda before the meeting (president decides on agenda items and asks secretary to type and make copies)
  • Provide copies of the agenda for all in attendance at the meeting.
  • Use the agenda as the structure for the meeting
  • Enforce the rules of parliamentary procedure consistently and firmly (President)
  • Be fair and courteous to all.
  • Finish each topic before introducing something new. (President)
  • Be organized and present all information in a logical order. (President)
  • Make decisions without delay whenever possible. (President)

Sample Meeting Agenda

Date, time and location of meeting

I. Call to Order (start time)

II. Roll call or sign-in sheet for all members present

III. Reading and approval of minutes of the last meeting

IV. Treasurer’s Report

V. Committee Reports (list committee and chairperson)

VI. Old Business (List each item)

VII. New Business (List each item)

VIII. Announcements

IX. Adjournment (Expected ending time)

Sample Format of Meeting Minutes

Annual Chapter Renewal

This report may be completed by chapter officers and must be verified by the Faculty Chapter Advisor. These forms and the chapter fee of $50 must be received by the National Office no later than April 1 of each year. A late fee of $10 will be assessed for chapters who fail to meet the April 1 deadline and should be included in the check with the fees payment for the year. The reports and dues must be received in order for your chapter to be active and eligible to induct new members.

Click HERE to complete the online form for Chapter Renewal.

Click here to log in to your "Info Hub" for Chapter's profile!

Important Announcement

Please update your records accordingly and send TUA applications and checks to our new office address if applicable.
Our new address is:
2001 Duncan Dr NW, PO Box 201
Kennesaw, GA 30156

Please use our online TUA forms to submit your completed forms and online payment when you can for a faster turnaround on applications, payments, etc.

Join Us on Facebook

Join us on Facebook at Tau Upsilon Alpha National Human Services Honor Society. Post pictures/video from your chapter's events and inductions, or just say hi to fellow TUA members around the nation.

Contact TUA

TUA Office of NOHS
2001 Duncan Drive NW
PO Box 201
Kennesaw, GA 30156
Phone: (503) 595-2736

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