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Research Projects and Studies

Check out our NOHS Members' Research Projects and Studies and participate in your NOHS colleagues' work in human services. 
NOHS members may have their approved studies posted as a member benefit to gather participants in studies. For a $25 fee, research studies can be emailed to NOHS members. *These studies are being conducted by a NOHS member and are not endorsed by NOHS.*
If you would like to submit your Research Study for consideration, please complete this form. If you requested that your research study be emailed to NOHS members, we will send you an invoice for the $25 fee once your request is approved. Please reach out to if you have any questions.
Participate in research projects and studies by NOHS members from around the country. Click on the links below to review current projects.

Anna Koehle of  Nova Southeastern  University 

The purpose of this qualitative study is to understand the experiences of Black female caseworkers employed in child welfare and effective strategies for retaining Black female caseworkers in child welfare organizations and casework positions.

Letter of Invitation

*These studies are being conducted by a NOHS member and are not endorsed by NOHS.*

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